St. Titus One 31st Year Anniversary
May 26, 2015
The St. Titus One M. B. Church family will celebrate our church's 31st Year Anniversary, June 18 and 19th at 7 p.m. nightly. The Anniversary will Climax with an exciting service on Sunday, June 28th at 5 p.m. Many guest churches are expected to share in the celebration.
Our theme is "Shifting the Atmosphere: United on One Accord". As we grow, united in love, God will continue to shift the atmosphere and his holy spirit will add to the church spiritually, numerically and financially.
We are excited as we see the move of God in our Ministry and look forward to great things as we move forward in God. Plan now to join us for this special Anniversary Celebration. Sis. Tina Harris, Chairperson.